how to debug.

debuging is were you mess with the circuit bord and let it give you any character you want and the option to speed through its life. if you do this there is a small chance of breaking your tama. the pics arnt mine so here we go!! PS. DONT DO THIS TO A V4.5 OR A V4 V6 OR V5 AND V5.5     

remove back


remove 4 small screws and battery 


find word debug over the small circle 


rub gently with pencil  then put back together


why to debug?

because there are some things that a debuged tama can do!!!! like when you reset it you can select your character from the normal ones to stuff like this!!(shone below) one guy is a hambuger! and if you have trouble aging your tama by pushing c (last button) you can speed threw its life!! most people dont do this but I had a spare v3 so I tried and it worked!!! if you do this on v4.5 or v4 it wont work .... I learned this the hard way.  :( yup I lost a v4.   
